Cytoplasmic mRNA surveillance pathways
During mRNA synthesis and maturation, the introduction of errors can strongly influence the expression of certain genes and/or the activity of the proteins for which they encode. To minimise these defects, eukaryotic cells have evolved several cytoplasmic and translation-dependent quality control pathways aimed at detecting and degrading mRNAs that would lead to the production of aberrant proteins. The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway (NMD) clears cells from mRNAs harbouring premature in-frame stop codons. Two other pathways (NSD for nonstop decay and NGD for No-Go decay) degrade mRNAs on which ribosomes have stalled during elongation. In this chapter, we describe the current knowledge on the biological roles and molecular mechanisms of these surveillance pathways, which were mainly unravelled using baker’s yeast as model system.