Wait-Free Solvability of Equality Negation Tasks
We introduce a family of tasks for n processes, as a generalization of the two process equality negation task of Lo and Hadzilacos (SICOMP 2000). Each process starts the computation with a private input value taken from a finite set of possible inputs. After communicating with the other processes using immediate snapshots, the process must decide on a binary output value, 0 or 1. The specification of the task is the following: in an execution, if the set of input values is large enough, the processes should agree on the same output; if the set of inputs is small enough, the processes should disagree; and in-between these two cases, any output is allowed. Formally, this specification depends on two threshold parameters k and l, with k
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Dernière modification le : jeudi 1 août 2024-17:08:02
Éric Goubault, Marijana Lazić, Jérémy Ledent, Sergio Rajsbaum. Wait-Free Solvability of Equality Negation Tasks. DISC, Oct 2019, Budapest, Hungary. ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.DISC.2019.21⟩. ⟨hal-04470251⟩